Day 5

I have had to start working out at night to get in Kevan’s workouts.  Its 10:10 and I just got home from the gym, thankfully instead of being exhausted I have a feeling of accomplishment.  Todays workout was pretty easy just legs and cardio, I still need to do the crunches but I am proud of myself for staying after work.  I am having trouble getting all the meals in, I think it is because I wake up to late to fit in 6 meals and I usually end up skipping one, mostly the fish dinner or egg breakfast.  But even missing one I am surprisingly not hungry , which for me is weird.  I am going to try and get them all in tomorrow and see if there is any difference in my energy level.

Our 7 year Anniversary

Today Kevin and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary and 4th July too.  It was the best one yet!  We spent it with family and friends. Having our wedding on a holiday pretty much guaranteed we will never spend it alone or just with our kids.  This year I was a little resentful of that fact until I remember why I chose to marry Kevin on July 4th.  When I was little I remember 4th of July being a time when we got together with my aunts and cousins and had so much fun.  We often spent it downtown on the mall waiting for the fireworks or at cookouts.  It meant family to me and what better day to start my own family. Today was no different, we went to my grandfathers for a cookout, then to Swans for another cookout and then to Martina’s for fireworks!  Here are some pics of our day…

First Session

Well I didn’t quit!  I did everything he asked me too, except for some running.  As soon as he left I turned to Kevin and said well now I can cry and I actually did.  It was very hard!  I kept talking to myself and telling myself that I could do it.  It is a very fast paced circuit and in the end he said I walked/ran 1 mile, did 180 crunches, 60 squats, 30 lunges, and a whole bunch of arm exercises with the bands.  I am so sore!

Working Out with Kevan

There is  a trainer at my gym named Kevan who teaches a class called Dance it off with Kevan.  Well since he and his gf had a baby we have gotten to know each other a little better and I felt comfortable enough to ask him if he would train me.  He agreed and we are meeting on Saturday mornings at the field next to my house.  He also gave me a workout plan for 3 days at the gym and a meal plan.  Supposedly if I follow his plan I will lose between 20-25 lbs in a month.  I figure if I can give it a month I will be a lot better off than I am now even if I don’t lose that much.  I will be tracking an journaling how I am doing and if I can stick with it.  Hopefully at the end of the summer, roughly 8 weeks till school starts, I  will feel much better about myself, look way better and have the nerve to open this blog up to public viewers to show off my success.  (eeeekkkk!)

My sweet L

Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day is different from the ones before because I am almost certain our family is complete. Waking up this morning to all 3 kids scattered around our room was slightley bitter sweet. I love my kids so much and am so blessed to have them but knowing Ellie is our last makes me sad. She is so sweet and easy I want to keep her little forever.  This Mother’s Day I was given such a sweet gift from Kevin the last name to my necklace.  It was so thoughtful of him to get me something.  He also let each of the kids (well except L) pick out a card to give me.  I am so touched.  These last 8 months with him out of work have been so HARD but knowing we had each other made it easier (most days).  I know that our family is whole with the addition of Ellie and I know that if we stick together our gang can make it through anything.  So Happy Mother’s Day to all my mama friends!

Ava’s Mothers Day Tea

Ava’s Pre-K class had a Mother’s Day Tea yesterday and it was SOO sweet!  I loved every minute of it.  Of course in usual Grace fashion I cried several times.  Her teachers are awesome and the things they helped the kids do are amazing.  All the mothers got served a lunch that was made by the children, they made pasta salad and fruit salad along with sandwiches.  For dessert they made little sponge cakes filled with berries dipped in chocolates and topped with whip cream.  They performed some songs and then the teacher read aloud interviews she had with each child about their Mom.  They gave us bracelets and flowers in cute pots.  The answers Ava gave when her teacher interviewed her made me realize that she notice things I never would and also that the things that are important to me are not so to her. All in all it was a great party and I was so happy to spend it with my girl.  Having her as my oldest is such a blessing!

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Polka-Dot Cuties

Kohen and Ellie wore home the same polka-dot outfit. Of course his is blue and hers is pink. I love them though. Wish we had one when AJ was born.

The Terror Squad

The kids are commonly known at Avi and Papi’s (my parents) house as The Terror Squad. So I thought I would give a hospital pic of each.




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